Durable Powers of Attorney

At the Gallagher Law Firm, our Michigan estate planning attorneys work closely with clients and their families to help them in planning for and making important life choices concerning their health and wellbeing in the event that they become incapacitated. We help clients understand the various options available and to put in place safeguards, which will allow them to maintain control over their life if they become ill or disabled.

A durable power of attorney is a legal tool that allows an individual to designate someone else to make important health care decisions on his or her behalf. It could, for example, grant another person power to:

  • Make decisions regarding support and care
  • Conduct financial transactions
  • Deal with property
  • Handle legal claims
  • Access safety deposit boxes
  • Prepare and file tax returns
  • Enter into contracts for services
  • Make gifts

Establishing a durable power of attorney is a simple process. However, it is important to work with a legal professional who is knowledgeable about this particular area of law, as there are many important considerations that need to be taken into account. For example, it is important to specify precisely the conditions under which a durable power of attorney will become effective. In addition, since a durable power of attorney can grant another individual broad authority to act on one's behalf, it should clearly indicate the extent of such authority.

A durable power of attorney can be limited to a specific matter, such as a real estate transaction, and can also be used to specify how important medical decisions are to be made, for example, outlining approved medical treatments or procedures and whether life support systems are to be used in cases of terminal illness or imminent death.

At the Gallagher Law Firm, our Michigan estate planning lawyers advise clients on the benefits of putting in place a durable power of attorney and can assist in making important decisions throughout the process. Relying on years of significant experience, our attorneys help clients address their concerns and take the necessary steps to protect their interests in the event that they become incapacitated. Contact us today to learn more.